I am currently sitting in the empty waiting room of Lab Corp - the lab place that takes your blood from you - long story, but I had to have some fasting blood work done (1st mistake). When I scheduled this on Monday for 7am, I had no idea today would be the ice-iest day of the year...no lie...at least 1/2 inch on EVERYTHING! Thanks to the hubby who turned my car on and helped remove the ice on the ground around the car. He should have also been in the parking lot of Lab Corp to help there...smart salt guy was working on the parking lot but left the sidewalk relatively untouched...hmm...how exactly was I supposed to get to the door? Jump?
So, I periously make my way inside and find an extremely plesant (NOT) woman who appears to be as excited as I am to be here. She reviews my order and flatly tells me that my doctor did not select the diagnosis code on the sheet, only the tests I need to have done and until she has a diagnosis code, she can't draw my blood. I haven't eaten yet, it's almost 7:30...don't screw with me lady. She and I both call the doctors office and I manage to get someone first...they chat and things get resolved. Fantastic.
Three tubes of blood and a NASTY sugar drink (checking my glucose tolerance) later, I'm TRAPPED in the waiting room...no joke...she said I couldn't leave...thank goodness I had enough wherewithall to remember the laptop or I'd not only be hungry suffering from sugar shakes but hungry suffering from sugar shakes and losing my mind! Anyone who knows me that hungry Sarah = not plesant Sarah...it's probably a good think I'm the only one here.
Freggin Ridiculous.
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10 months ago